- 奢侈品 Luxury
- 箱包 Luggage 钱包 wallet 服饰 apparel 腰带 belt 鞋靴 Footwear 太阳镜/眼镜框 Sunglasses/Eyeglasses 饰品 accessories 配件 Accessories
- 潮流女包 Fashion handbag
- 真皮包 Leather bag 单肩包 Shoulder Bag 手提包 handbag 斜挎包 Crossbody bag 双肩包 backpack 钱包 wallet 手拿包 Hand bag 卡包/零钱包 Card bag / Coin Purse 钥匙包 Key pack
- 钟表 Watches
- 美度 Mido 浪琴 Longines 天梭 TissotTissot CK(Calvin Klein) CK (Calvin Klein) DW 欧米伽 Omega 帝舵 Tudor 精工 Seiko 安普里奥·阿玛尼 Emporio Armani 雷达 radar 卡西欧 Casio 泰格豪雅 Tiger Hero 西铁城 Citizen 劳力士 Rolex 瑞表 Rui table 日韩表 Japanese and Korean watches 欧美表 Europe and America 德表 German watch 儿童手表 Children's watch 智能手表 smart watch 闹钟 Alarm clock 挂钟 wall clock 座钟 Clock 钟表配件 Watch accessories
- 家具 Furniture
- 卧室家具 Bedroom Furniture 客厅家具 Living Room Furniture 餐厅家具 Restaurant Furniture 书房家具 Study furniture 儿童家具 Children's furniture 储物家具 Storage furniture 阳台/户外 Balcony/outdoor 办公家具1 Office Furniture 1 床 bed 床垫 mattress 沙发 sofa 电脑椅 computer chair 衣柜 wardrobe 茶几 coffee table 电视柜 TV cabinet 餐桌 dining table 电脑桌 Computer Desk 鞋架/衣帽架 Shoe rack / coat rack 儿童桌椅 Children's table and chairs 儿童床 Children's bed 晾衣架 Clothes rack
- 香水彩妆 Fragrance makeup
- 隔离 isolation 遮瑕 Concealer 气垫 BBAir cushion BB 粉底 Foundation 腮红 Blush 口红/唇膏 Lipstick/lipstick 唇釉/唇彩 Lip glaze / lip gloss 睫毛膏 mascara 眼影 Eye shadow 眼线 Eye liner 眉笔/眉粉 Eyebrow pencil / eyebrow powder 散粉 Loose powder 美甲 manicure 女士香水 Women's perfume 男士香水 Men's Fragrance 彩妆工具 Makeup tools 男士彩妆 Men's makeup 彩妆套装 Makeup set
- 面部护肤 Skincare
- 礼盒 SetsGift box 美白 Whitening 防晒 Sun protection 面膜 Facial mask 洁面 Cleansing 爽肤水 Toner 精华 Essence 眼霜 Eye cream 乳液/面霜 Lotion / Cream 卸妆 Remover T区护理 T- District care 润唇膏 lip balm
- 男士护肤 Men Skincare
- 控油 Oil control 洁面 Cleansing 乳液/面霜 Lotion / Cream 面膜 Facial mask 爽肤水 Toner 剃须 Shave 精华 Essence 防晒 Sun protection/ sun block 套装/礼盒 Suit/Gift Box
- 洗发护发 Hair Care
- 洗发水 shampoo 护发素 conditioner 发膜/精油 Hair mask/essential oil 造型 modeling 染发 Hair coloring 烫发 Perm 假发 wig 美发工具 hairdressing tool 洗护套装 Toiletries
- 口腔护理 Oral Care
- 牙膏 toothpaste 牙粉 Tooth powder 牙贴 Teeth paste 牙刷 toothbrush 牙线 Dental floss 漱口水 Mouth wash 口喷 Mouth spray 假牙清洁 Denture cleaning 套装 Set
- 身体护理 Personal Care
- 沐浴露 Shower Gel 香皂 Soap 洗手液 hand soap 护手霜 Hand cream 浴盐 Bath salts 润肤 Emollient 精油 Essential oil 美颈 Beautiful neck 美胸 Beautiful chest 纤体塑性 Slime plasticity 手膜/足膜 Hand film/foot film 男士洗液 Men's lotion 花露水 Dew water 走珠/止汗露 Rolling ball / antiperspirant dew 脱毛刀/膏 Epilator/Paste 套装 Set
- 家纺 Home textile
- 床品套件 Bedding kit 杯子 cup 枕芯 Pillow 蚊帐 mosquito net 凉席 Mat 毛巾浴巾 Towels 地毯地垫 Carpet floor mat 床垫/床褥 Mattress/bed mattress 毯子 blanket 抱枕靠垫 Pillow cushion 窗帘/窗纱 Curtains/Window Screens 床单/床笠 Bed sheet/bed mattress 被套 blanket cover 枕巾枕套 Pillowcase 沙发垫/椅垫 Sofa cushions/Cushions 桌布 tablecloth 布艺软饰 Fabric soft decoration
- 生活用品 Daily necessities
- 收纳用品 Storage supplies 雨伞雨具 Umbrella /rain gear 净化除味 Purify and deodorize 浴室用品 Bathroom supplies 西晒/熨烫 drying / ironing 缝纫/针织用品 Sewing/Knitting Supplies 清洁工具 cleaning tool
- 电视 Television (TV)
- 曲面电视 Curved Surface TV 超薄电视 Ultra Thin TV HDR电视 HDR TV OLED电视 OLED TV 4K超清电视 4k Super Clear TV 人工智能电视 Manual Smart TV 电视配件 Tv accessories
- 空调 Air conditioner (air cond)
- 壁挂式空调 wall- mounted ductless 柜式空调 cabinet type 中央空调 centralized 一级能效空调 energy-efficient 变频空调 inverter 1.5匹空调 dual multi split 单冷空调 single cold
- 洗衣机 washing machine
- 滚筒洗衣机 Drum washing machine 洗烘一体机 Washing and drying machine 波轮洗衣机 vertical automatic 迷你洗衣机 Mini washing machine 烘干机 Dryer 洗衣机配件 Washing machine accessories
- 冰箱 refrigerator
- 多门 Multiple doors 对开门 opposite direction door 三门 Three doors 双门 Double doors 冷柜/冰吧 Freezer/ice bar 酒柜 Wine cabinet 冰箱配件 Refrigerator accessories
- 厨卫电器 Kitchen appliances
- 油烟机 Hood 燃气灶 Gas stoves 烟灶套装 Smoke stove set 集成灶 Integrated stove 消毒柜 Disinfection cabinet 洗碗机 dishwasher 电热水器 water heater 燃气热水器 Gas water heater 嵌入式厨电 Embedded kitchen appliances 商用厨房电器 Commercial Kitchen Appliances
- 厨房电器 Kitchen Appliances
- 破壁机 blender 电烤箱 Electric oven 电饭煲 Rice cooker 电压力锅 Electric voltage pot 咖啡机 Coffee machine 豆浆机 Soybean machine 料理机 cooking machine 电炖锅 Electric cookers 电饼铛 Electric baking pan 多用途锅 Multipurpose pot 电水壶/热水瓶 Electric kettle / thermos 微波炉 Microwave oven 榨汁机/原汁机 juice machine 养生壶 Health pot 电磁炉 Induction cooker 面包机 Bread machine 空气炸锅 Air fryer 面条机 Noodle machine 电陶炉 Electric ceramic heaters 煮蛋器 egg boiler 电烧烤炉 Electric grill
- 生活电器 home devices
- 吸尘器/除螨仪 Vacuum Cleaner / Dust Remover 空气净化器 air purifier 电风扇 Electric fan 扫地机器人 Sweeping robot 蒸汽拖把/拖地机 Steam mop / mopping machine 干衣机 Dryer 饮水机 Water dispenser 净水器 Water Purifier 除湿机 dehumidifier 挂烫机/熨斗 Garment Steamer/Iron 加湿器 humidifier 冷风扇 Cooling fan 毛球修剪器 Lint Remover 生活电器配件 Life Electrical Accessories
- 手机通讯 Mobile Communications
- 手机 Cell / mobile phone 游戏手机 Game phone 老人机 Old man machine 对讲机 Walkie-talkie
- 手机配件 Mobile phone accessories
- 手机壳 phone case 贴膜 Film 手机存储卡 Mobile phone memory card 数据线 Data line 充电器 charger 手机耳机 Phone Headset 手机饰品 Mobile phone accessories 手机电池 cell /mobile phone battery 移动电源 mobile power 蓝牙耳机 Bluetooth earphone 手机支架 Mobile phone holder 车载配件 Car accessories 拍照配件 Photo accessories
- 摄像摄影 Photography
- 数码相机 Digital camera 微单相机 Micro-camera 单反相机 SLR camera 拍立得 Polaroid 运动相机 Sports camera 摄像机 Camera 镜头 Lens 户外器材 Outdoor equipment 影棚器材 Studio equipment 冲印服务 Printing service 数码相框 Digital Frame
- 数码配件 Digital Accessories
- 存储卡 storage card /SD 三脚架/云台 Tripod/PTZ 相机包 camera bag 滤镜 Filter 闪光灯/手柄 Flash / handle 相机清洁/贴膜 Camera cleaning/foil 机身附件 Fuselage accessories 镜头附件 Lens accessories 读卡器 Card reader 支架 Bracket 电池、充电器 battery charger